Saturday, January 7, 2012


Emperor Kublai Khan just announced that there will now be social classes. The class status stands at Mongols have the most power, then the Semi people, then Han people, and last but not least the Southerners who are from the Northern song dynasty. The Mongolians treat the Chinese like servants. We can't let the emperor give so much power to the Mongolians. The Mongolians have more power for legal matters, military, and political affairs. They would decide for the entire dynasty, and the lower classes wouldn't have a say. The different social classes have different punishments for crimes. Every crime should have the same punishment. Its not fair for one class to get harsher punishment then another. The Mongolians and the Han (the two higher social classes) don't have to pay taxes, while everyone in the lower classes have to pay taxes. The lower classes had to pay more because the higher classes didn't have to pay any taxs. Some people would say this is a good thing because it allows one social class to have more responsibility and help run our dynasty. We can't let them make life harder for the lower classes. We should give equal amount of power to the lower classes. Without social classes people can have the same opportunities to become involved in politics, military, and legal issues

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